Sunday, January 1, 2017

Insomnia Hacks, Tricks, and Solutions – the Drift Bulb

Get to Sleep More Easily with a Drift Bulb 

The Drift Bulb automatically fades out at the exact same speed as a sunset.

This light bulb mimics a sunset to fool your body and brain into thinking that the sun is going down. This makes it easier for you to go to sleep no matter what time if day it is outside.

The Drift Bulb shines a light that makes sleep come easier.

The non-blue light of this bulb is the cure for late night staring at the screen, since it shuts out the disruptive blue light of TV and computer.

Light and Your Sleep

Light plays a larger role in our search for a good night's sleep than we might think. The ever-present blue spectrum light emitted by screens and tech devices interrupts our rhythms -- our brain isn't evolved to process broad-spectrum light after the sun goes down. Fortunately there are solutions, provided by the same technology that causes the problem in the first place.
This cool gadget is essentially a portable light system that emits a 10K wide-spectrum light. It's programmable, so you can set it and forget it. Studies show that light is key to your sleep cycles, since we're programmed by our genes and evolution to to sync our lives to the natural rhythms of the sun and moon. This gadget benefits you by coordinating your metabolism with a glow that mimics the spectrum of real sunlight. It's also one of the best-looking sleep devices out there.


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